Rođen u Beogradu, 1996. godine. Slikarstvom se bavi još od osnovne škole.
Nakon osnovnog obrazovanja upisuje Školu za dizajn, smer za likovnog
tehničara. Grafički odsek na Fakultetu likovnih umetnosti Univerziteta
umetnosti u Beogradu upisuje 2016. godine, gde završava I i II godinu, a nakon
toga prelazi na slikarski odsek gde uspešno završava III i IV godinu, u klasi
profesora Milete Prodanovića. Na Fakultetu likovnih umetnosti diplomirao je 2020. godine, a master studije završio je 2021. godine u klasi profesorke Vesne Knežević. Član je ULUSA-a od 2021. godine.
Born in Belgrade, 1996. He has been interested in painting since primary school. After primary education, he enrolled in the School of Design, majoring in art technician.
In 2016 he enrolled in the graphic department at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Arts in Belgrade , where he finished 1st and 2nd year, and after that he moved to the painting department where he successfully completed the 3rd and 4th year, in the class of Professor Mileta Prodanović.
He graduated from the Faculty of fine arts in 2020, and in 2021. he gained a Master degree in the class of professor Vesna Knezevic. He is a member of ULUS since 2021.